
Showing posts from March, 2017

Housemate pengotor?!

Assalamualaikum and good afternoon. I am actually makin hari makin busy right now but i'm not on my fucking mood to do my works/assignment that fucking make my head dizzy so i opened up my mac and tetiba rasa macam nak update blog cause blogger got a new template and i'm sooooooooo in love with it. So let's get started. Actually i live outside the college. Just rent a room with my two friends . Okey lah my house ada 7 rooms 2 toilets and 1 3seat sofa, refrigerator, 3 big shoe racks, and washing machine. Oh ya and also wifi provided (THIS IS MUST!). As for my room (triple room) cost RM550 (RM137.50 per head) is so cheap cause we have a standing fans and AIRCONDITIONER. I love aircond soooo much. Other 6 rooms are for two people also got aircond and fans. Boleh tahan ramai lah , boleh tahan bising lah, boleh tahan pengotor jugak lah.  Why? Cause kekadang tu, sampah dah penuh plastik but they didn't throw it away duh ! OMG sumpah geli-geleman aku. Dah tu bersemut l...