
Showing posts from November, 2014


Assalamualaikum and hello guys ! Well , you can see clearly a picture above right? Yeah , thats my condition right now . Why? Of course laa . I dont know how many times i make a blog . Hmmm . I forgot my emails , my passwords and taadaaa ! I have to make a new blog . What the fox say betullah ! Seriously imma really tired . How come i forgot my email and password eh? Well after continue my studies in matriculation college , i dont have a lot of free times . If i have , i will replaced it with sleeping cause tired finishing my asssignment , studies and so on . Actually matriculation programme are quite tough . You have to prepared physical and mental to face it . Matriculation programme not easy as you know . Yeah maybe some people think this is the best way doing fast-track studies . I admitted that . I am accounting student in this programme . For me , this programme are not easy as you think ! Why imma say like that? As i said before , once you choose this programm...